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Welcome to V O R T E X ! Introduction This site contains images, essays and information on the representation of war and peace in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Through galleries of artworks by Paul Gough and other invited artists the site aims to further the dialogue on the iconography of war and peace. Essays, catalogues and other writing explore the monumental language of remembrance and commemoration, and the relationship between memorial landscapes and national identity. The site currently has five elements: VORTEX 1: Welcome: About this website...what is VORTEX? Latest News: Updates on Paul Gough's activities, including appearances, exhibitions, publications, seminars and conferences About Paul Gough: A brief biography Contact details: How to contact Paul Gough VORTEX 2: A Paul Gough Gallery: An extensive collection of images of Paul Gough's work. Exhibitions: Exhibitions listings of past, present and planned future shows. Exhibition Catalogues: An Index of and reproductions in part or whole of Paul Gough's Exhibition Catalogues. VORTEX 3: Writings on Conflict: in the two following categories: The Iconography of War / Memorials Monuments and Commemorative sites: Essays on war art, memorials, commemoration and the landscapes of war and peace VORTEX 4: War Art And Artists: Contemporary British artists on war and peace VORTEX 5: Film Clips: MPEGS, QT movies, Video clips of Paul Gough Exhibits and the Artist at work. Interviews: Radio commentary, TV clips, etc. Reviews: Articles about Paul Gough and his work, press cuttings etc. Links: Links to sites of interest and to sites related to VORTEX. PMSA The Public Monuments and Sculpture Association. The PMSA is a national inventory of UK public sculpture. Paul Gough was the Chair of the South-west UK regional archive centre, run by Professor Doug Merritt. CWM The Canadian War Museum's collection of war art is available to browse on-line. An exhibition of Paul Gough's work was shown in Ottawa in 1999. NAFAE Paul Gough was membership secretary and treasurer of the National Association for Fine Art Education. With Iain Biggs he was editor of its journal, Drawing Fire, and is on the editorial panel of the Journal for Visual Arts Practice. CHEAD The Council for Higher education in Art and Design is the lead body for the art and deign sector. Paul Gough was elected on to the executive in 2000. He also serves on the Visual Art and Media panel of the Arts and Humanities Research Board, and was a member of the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise panel for Art and Design. RWA One of only five royal academies in the UK, the Royal West of England has the finest galleries west of London. Elected as a member in 1998 Paul Gough serves on the RWA Council and its Finance Committee. We hope you enjoy this site and its contents, whether visiting for research purposes or simply browsing from interest or curiosity. Please don't hesitate to e-mail us (see contact page) to give your comments or to pass on any problems you may have in using the site. All feedback is welcome! |